Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This guy... amazing.

In case you missed it, read this.

Giving up on National Office was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.  And I know I did the right thing, so I try not to be too sad about it.  But sometimes I remember, and that sucks.

Like when I get a package that was mailed a while ago, with a "Rayne Trained" t-shirt and a card wishing me luck at Nationals.

Or when someone says something about "My Plate" and my stomach drops and I think, "I have to look that up!" only to realize that I don't.

Or when someone announces at an Collegiate FFA meeting that I'm running for National Office, and I have to correct them in front of everyone.

Or when I find a giant stack on National Officer Candidate business cards in my purse.  When that one happened, I threw a few at Micah, saying, "I have no use for these anymore."

And you know what he did?  I do, cuz he told me the other day when I was having a hard time dealing with everything changing so fast.  He took my business card and put it in his wallet.  It was to remind him of the huge sacrifice that I made to be with him.

See why I think he's the greatest?  Seriously.


Tina said...

Congratulations Rachel!! I'm so excited for you! I gave up an internship in DC for love, and even though it all worked out for the best, I'm definitely glad I have that little sacrifice to hang over Eric's head if I ever need it!! ;) So, where is the engagement story!? I need some details!!

Karla said...

You don't know me yet, I'm sure Micah is going to bring you to Uruguay some day and you'll be eating my exclusive Mexican lasagna. I just read your post and it reminded me of a day more then 13 years ago that I had to make a hard choice like you. Marry the man of my dreams or stay in the US with my family, friends, my job, the "food" (ask Micah you really get to miss it down here). Well the choice is obvious I'm here and when things get tough and I miss, or like you other people remind you of what was gaven up. The gut feeling that it was the best choice and that ...This guy will be with me for eternity... makes it all worth it.

I love your guy he was a great missionary, a great friend and an example to my kids while he served us. Tear roll down my eyes right now of happiness because his girl seems to be just as special as he is.

You won't regret it, not even one moment even when life tough moments come. He is worth it! more than worth it!

With love your friend now and forever

Karla Arostegui

Ellis family said...

Marriage is all about sacrificing. I sacrificed my education to be married and move clear across the country. Just as he as sacrificed certain things for me throughout our marriage. But they are sacrifices for the better! My husband has an amazing career, and I am a mother, and we love each other. That is the most important thing. You may be sacrificing something good, but you are doing it for something better! Maybe that will help you when you have days where you are feeling sad about Nationals... Congrats! Love You!