Monday, May 2, 2011

What a day...

Greetings, people who don't read this blog.  I just finished listening to a 60-minute podcast that analyzed the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 trailer, frame by frame.  That's makes me officially ridiculous.  At least I didn't produce the podcast.

Man, what an adventure today trying to find a khaki skirt for the ag ambassadors uniform!  It is ridiculous, it was like finding the perfect official dress all over again.  Maurices, Dillard's, JC Penny's, Head Over Heals, Ross, and  Dress Barn do not have anything acceptable. :(  Tomorrow I'll try DI (again) and TJ Maxx, then I'm quitting.  I bought a khaki skirt with stripes at Maurice's, even though I hate the way it looks when I sit down, at least I'll have something.  Also, I couldn't find any acceptable formal dresses for the Semester at Sea reception.  Ugh.

Now- to study.  I made crepes this morning.  They were delightful.

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